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Create your psyris open directory page!

Your account will not be created until you hit the registration button on the last page.

After you have registered, your page will be live on the web.
You can also choose to "save as draft."

The picture upload option is available after registration is complete.
Last name:      (required)

First name:     (required)

Include any middle initials you use.

Professional Degree:

Your professional suffix.

License #:     (required)

You must include a professional license number.

Select Your Profession:

Private email address:     (required)

This email address will not be published or made public. It will not be shared or sold or abused. A valid email address must be provided, however, in case psyris needs to contact you.

Password:     (required)

Your psyris page name:     (required)

Publish your profile:

On the final screen, you will enter your professional statement.
There is space to describe the services you provide, the populations you serve,
your areas of expertise, and your office policies.

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