Linda A Martin, MSSW
1824 Murray Ave
Suite 305
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
412-521-2126 office phone
412-572-3068 answering service
At the core of my work is awareness of human suffering in ourselves and in the world, dignity and respect of each individual, and an understanding that personal growth and individuation are continuous throughout life regardless of past circumstances, current struggles or future aspirations.
After beginning a career as a recovery room and surgical intensive care nurse my interest shifted from understanding the body, trauma and physical healing to understanding the mind, emotions, relationships and the healing and transformations of psyche.
I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989 with a masters of science in social work and began the work of becoming a psychotherapist.
My post-graduate training includes training with the C.G. Jung Institute Analyst Training Program of Pittsburgh and I am currently training at the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center.
I began my private, solo practice in 1996. My early psychotherapy work experience was in community mental health, hospital based out-patient psychiatric clinic, private group practice and an in-patient long-term care psychiatric unit.
ServicesSome problems are readily resolved by meeting once a week using focused talk therapy.
When comprehensive change is desired I use an analytic method (free association, dream analysis, relational analysis) which can free up energy, bring new perspectives, and change unproductive personality patterns. This is done meeting 2-4 times a week, lying down or sitting up.
Areas of ExpertiseAnxiety or Fears
Relationship Issues
Chronic Pain & Illness
Loss & Grief
Trauma and PTSD
Impulse Control Disorders
Personality Disorders
Mid-life crisis