Sharon M. Friedman, Ph.D.
Marriage & Family Therapist
License:   12616 MFT   

I am a certified psychotherapist who works with individuals and groups.

Santa Monica, CA / West Los Angeles

Sharon M. Friedman, Ph.D.
315 9th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90402

80 8th Ave, New York, NY 10014


I am certified by the American Group Psychotherapy Association and affiliated with the California Association for Marriage and Family, the American Association for Marriage and Group Therapy and the American Association of Group Therapy. I am a registered psychiatric nurse with a doctorate in Child Development and over 25 years of psychotherapy experience.

Individual Therapy
Couples Premarital Counseling
Couples Marriage Counseling
Group Therapy - Men who are Fathers
Group Therapy - Women in their 30s and 40s
Group Therapy - Senior Women
Group Therapy - Gay Men

Areas of Expertise
Anger management
Employment concerns
Financial concerns
Grief and loss
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Relationships: Troublesome patterns

Relationships: Difficulties in communicating and negotiating

Relationships: Uncovering and healing wounds

Relationships: Solving problems together

Women in their 30's and 40's - Separation, raising children, restarting your life, online dating.

Senior Women - Losing a partner, Facing aging, Welcoming change.

Fathers in their 30s and 40s - Parenting, managing job loss, career issues, Marriage, Divorce.

Gay Men - Coming out, Living as a gay person, Partnership, Parenting, Health Issues, Aging, Being alone.

Office Information:

Sliding Scale fees available.
We can bill insurance.