Ph.D. in Psychology in 1973.
Licensed Psychologist in California since 1974.
Board-Certified Diplomat-Fellow in Forensic Psychological Sciences with ICPP since 2001.
Member of the Forensic Division of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association.
Member of the Division of American Psychology-Law Society of the American Psychological Association.
ServicesMental Competency Evaluations PC 1368).
Criminal Responsibility Evaluations in NGRI (Insanity) Case (PC 1026).
Comprehensive Sex Offender Evaluations (PC 288.1).
Risk Assessment for Violence and Sexual Reoffense.
Psychological Factors Contributing to Criminal Behavior.
Amenability to Treatment.
Consultation with Criminal Defense and Prosecution Attorneys Regarding Opposing Counsel's Expert Witness' Psychological Test Results and Testimony.
Areas of ExpertiseProvided over 4000 forensic psychological evaluations to various courts.
Qualified and testified as an expert in forensic psychological evaluation in over 100 different cases in Superior Courts in the counties of Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Nevada, Butte, Placer, Glen, Tehama, and in the United States District Court in Sacramento.